Education program for children victims of earthquake in Bantul, Yogyakarta

Children take photo together and show the board that read "Help Us to Preparing Orphanage for children of earthquake orphans Victims.

Education programs in refugee barrack Bakoy

Children of participants of educational programs take picture together along with a team of GlobalGiving.

PUSPEM Gardens in Bogor

We make plants seeds for planting in the planting sites.

Program education in bakoy refugee barrack

GlobalGiving team visit our education program in bakoy refugee barrack.

PUSPEM education program

Puspem team giving transport money for children.

Welcome to PUSPEM Foundation Website.

PUSPEM (Pusat Studi Pengembangan Masyarakat) or Center for Community Development Studies was established in Jakarta on December 27, 2003, and legalized by the minister of law and human rights with number; AHU-2971.AH.01.02.Tahun 2008

PUSPEM is a national NGO in Indonesia that concern in:

* Helping natural disaster victims around Indonesia especially women and children

* Helping poor children get education

* Community empowerment

* Concerned about climate change


Recently we only receive donation via bank transfer to:

* Account Name: YASPEM – Pusat Studi Pengembangan Masyarakat

* Account Number: 0230 01 000914 30 7

* Bank Name: Bank Rakyat Indonesia

* Bank Address: Jalan Cut Mutiah Jakarta Pusat

* Swift Code: BRINIDJA


Contact us:

Jl. Raya Cilebut No32 Rt.32 Bogor West Java, Indonesia

Post Code 16710, Tlp ; 622145794999


The Empowerment Mothers and Children Of Natural Disaster Victims in Indonesia

Village library at Bakoy Village, Aceh, Indonesia. One year after tsunami disaster in December 2004

Indonesia is one country often hit by natural disasters. In the event of natural disasters such as floods, landslides, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes and tsunamis, the victim most is the people living around the disaster. The impact of perceived victims’ families lost their homes, their livelihoods and cannot eat and drink because they do not have the money to spend. This is what underlies our families to help disaster victims to alleviate suffering through several stages.
  1. Phase One, give first aid for the provision of food, drink and to medications shortly after the disaster. 
  2. Phase Two, helping families to repair disaster-damaged homes or find somewhere else to live safer and more livable. 
  3. Phase three, giving business skills training, especially for mothers home so that they can earn money and help the family income. 
To carry out the above steps, then we take the family around the affected areas to carry out the program

Expected Results
With this program the mothers and children will receive assistance:
  1. Skills training for mothers like sewing skills training, make a variety of dishes, making a variety of pastries, handicrafts and etc. 
  2. The provision of revolving working capital, so that mothers can continue their business or develop businesses that have been started or create a new business in accordance with the skills that you have acquired the skills training. 
  3. Scholarship assistance for children orphaned victims of natural disasters 
  4. Health checks for children 
  5. Providing nutritional support to children 

It will certainly help mothers victims of natural disasters in Indonesia, especially those who have lost their family.

  1. Mothers of victims of natural disasters will receive life skills training (Life Skills) 
  2. Mothers will get help rolling capital 
  3. Children are victims of natural disasters will get scholarships so that they can return to school 
  4. Children will get a health checkup 
  5. The children will receive additional nutrition 

Budget for this project: US$ 100,000 

Project Leader: Usman Rauf, SE

Please make donation. We only receive donation via bank transfer to:

  • Account Name: YASPEM – Pusat Studi Pengembangan Masyarakat
  • Account Number: 0230 01 000914 30 7
  • Bank Name: Bank Rakyat Indonesia
  • Bank Address: Jalan Cut Mutiah Jakarta Pusat
  • Swift Code: BRINIDJA
 Thank you



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